Ebonya Washington

Laurans A. and Arlene Mendelson Professor of Economics; Professor of International and Public Affairs

Professor Washington, an economist, specializes in public finance and political economy; her research interests include the interplay of race, gender, and political representation.

Above: Racism and the Economy: Focus on the Economics Profession video

Video Timestamps

00:00:03 Opening remarks by Esther L. George, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

00:07:35 Panel 1: Racism and the Pipeline into Economics

01:06:58 Panel 2: Keynote Conversation on Racism and the Practice of Economics

01:42:30 Panel 3: Promoting Inclusivity and Effecting Change

02:32:03 Conclusion with Federal Reserve Bank Leadership

02:55:42 Closing Remarks by President Bostic